

Our law firm provides comprehensive advisory services in the field of transactions and commercial contracts. We assist in drafting commercial contracts, general terms and conditions of contract, we represent clients in negotiations and advise them on the choice of optimal contract solutions.

We issue legal and tax opinions on contracts and contract drafts, as well as conduct due diligence reviews of contractual arrangements. In particular, we provide opinions on general terms and conditions of contracts in terms of legal compliance.

When advising on commercial transactions, we take into account not only Polish law but also international laws applicable to particular types of transactions (such as the Vienna Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods (CISG), Rome I Regulation, INCOTERMS, etc.). Thanks to our working relationships with lawyers in other jurisdictions, we are able to assist you with contracts governed by foreign laws.

Examples of projects completed by our lawyers:

  • Contract drafting:

    • Commercial contracts;
    • Franchise agreements;
    • License agreements;
    • Distribution and supply contracts (including framework contracts for the supply of goods/services);
    • Contracts for provision of services;
    • Contracts for specific work and contracts of mandate;
    • Asset and/or real estate leases;
    • Agency contracts;
    • Agreements for transfer of ownership as collateral security, pledge agreements (including registered and financial pledges);
    • Lease and tenancy agreements;
    • Construction works contracts.
  • Legal analysis of leases executed by shopping mall operators.

  • Adaptation of general terms and conditions of contract of an international forwarding company to Polish legal requirements.

  • Negotiating and drafting a cooperation agreement and a framework agreement for the supply of PVC and HDPE granulates with partners from Kuwait and Iran.