

We provide legal and tax advice on W&I insurance for M&A and RE transactions and have a great track record of advising W&I insurers as well as parties to such transactions, helping them negotiate W&I insurance terms and conditions with insurers.

We prepare legal analyses of identified legal and tax risks for specific indemnity insurance purposes.

We adjust the terms of policies offered under the laws of England and Wales to the requirements of Polish law.

Our long-standing experience stems from our previous participation in major transactions on the Polish and European market (in terms of Polish aspects of such transactions) where W&I insurance was used.

Examples of projects completed by our lawyers:

  • Advising on W&I insurance for a transaction involving the sale of Poland’s largest manufacturer of public transport vehicles.
    One of the largest M&A transactions on the Polish market in 2018.

  • Advising on W&I insurance in connection with the sale of the main Polish hosting provider.

  • Advising on W&I insurance for RE transactions.
    Transaction concerned one of the largest Polish retail outlets.

  • Advising on W&I insurance in a lease financing transaction.
    W&I insurance for a sale & lease back transaction involving a hotel property in Warsaw.